Friday, August 24, 2007

23 Things List

This is a list of the “Things” we will be doing during the 13 weeks of the programme. More info on each of the activities will be posted on the blog on the Monday of each week (and linked here). Participants will also receive an email with the same information. Questions? Let Kathryn know.

September 10 - 16, week 1: Intro

September 17 - 23, week 2: Online email and Blogs

September 24 - 30, week 3: RSS

October 1 - 7, week 4: Play week

  • Post: Reflect on anything to do with the programme.

October 8 - 14, week 5: Play week

  • Post: Write about a post you've read via RSS in google reader.

October 15 - 21, week 6: Online tools and applications and Wikis

  • Thing 8. Create a google document and share it with another participant.
  • Thing 9. Create your own wiki on pbWiki and email the address to Kathryn.
  • Post: Reflect on anything to do with the programme.
October 22 - 28, week 7: Social Bookmarking & Tagging

October 29 - November 4, week 8: Images

November 5 - 11, week 9: Play week

  • Post: How are these new tools likely to change our users' attitudes to the service offered by their library?

November 12 - 18, week 10 : Online Social Networks

November 19 - 25, week 11: Gaming & Virtual Worlds

November 26 - December 2, week 12: Online content sharing

December 3 - 9, week 13: ..and beyond...

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