Why? To organise and retrieve useful websites and share them with like-minded people
1. Register at del.icio.us . (Pay attention to the password requirements, and check you email inbox to complete the registration)
2. Install the Firefox extension, or the buttons on your toolbar.
3. Bookmark and tag the Murdoch Library 23 Things blog page using one of these options
3.1 Right clicking on the link to the page and selecting "tag this link"
3.2 Going to the page and then going to the top of your browser and selecting the "deli.cio.us" menu and choosing "tag this page"
3.3 Going to the page and then choosing the "post to del.icio.us" button at the top of the page
3.4 Going to your account at del.icio.us and selecting "post" and pasting in the URL
4. Add a description. Often cutting and pasting a paragraph from the page saved is useful.
5. Add some tags and save.
6. Next time you are on a webpage you would like to save for later or find again, save it to del.icio.us.
1. Check out the items saved under this typical user's account kgreenhill.
2. Check out who else has saved the Murdoch Library 23 Things web page and click on their profiles to see what else they have saved.
3. Work out how to embed a tag cloud of your del.icio.us account into a post on your blog.
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